Saturday, March 28, 2009

Welcome Back! Welcome back!! Welcome back!!!

Forget diamonds, in SL a great head of hair is a girls best friend. Well, not really but work with me here (LOL). Hair is important. No, hair is crucial as it relates to my SL experience. Who am I kidding? It’s equally important in RL too. The difference in SL is that I can change colors and styles as much as I want. If I tried that in RL, I’d be BALD!

Most of the women I know in SL change their hair more than they change clothes. We love our hair and many of us comb the grid looking for unique styles. We all have our favorite places. While our lists surely vary, I think it’s safe to say that you would find ETD somewhere on most if not all of them.

If you are anything like me, you suffered some serious withdrawals when ETD closed shop shortly after the holiday season. Despite the fabulous end of year sale, I found myself wishing that I could grab Tiana (one of my faves) in brown or that I could grab the short style I saw there that would look great with my new outfit. I wasn’t the only one missing ETD because group chats were filled with multiple inquiries about what happened to ETD and when were they going to reopen.

Well, the highly anticipated return of our friend ETD happened last weekend with very little fanfare. Despite the lack of hoopla, the place managed to stay packed and laggy all weekend. When I finally got on the Sim, I spent a lot of time buying new color options of old favorites. At some point, I did manage to make my way over to the newest ETD offerings. It was there that I fell in love with Lynne 2. It is a classy ponytail with adorable bangs that frames my face perfectly and compliments just about any look.

Here’s a picture of it in Chestnut Black:

The new store looks great and there is a lot of space for new stuff. So, check it out and check back often!

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